Chicks Arriving 4/4/16 or 4/5/16
Speckled Sussex pullets - 25
Dark Brahma pullets - 25
Araucana/Ameraucana pullets - 50
Buckeye pullets - 25
Brown Leghorn pullets - 25
Buff Orpington Pullets – 25
Golden Laced Wyandotte Pullets – 25
White Leghorn Pullets – 25
Turkeys, Ducklings –
Arriving on 4/13/16 or 4/14/16:
White Turkey (straight run) - 25
Bronze Turkey (straight run) - 50
Artisan Gold Turkey (straight run) – best free
range, smaller turkey breed. - 25
Khaki Campbell ducklings - straight run – 15 (6
– Pre-SOLD as of 3/30/16)
Arriving on 4/21/16 or 4/22/16
Bantams - straight run - 50
Araucana/Ameraucana pullets - 50
Brahma pullets - 50
Buff Orpington pullets - 50
Buff Brahma pullets - 50
Rhode Island Red pullets – 50
Guineas Arriving on 5/4/16 or 5/5/16
Guinea Hens – Straight Run - 100
Chicks Arriving on 5/9/16/or 5/10/16
Araucana/Ameraucana pullets -50
Columbia Rock pullets - 25
Dark Brahma pullets - 25
Golden Laced Wynadotte pullets - 50
Silver Laced Wynadotte pullets - 50
Black Australorp pullets – 50
R. I. Red pullets - 25
Guineas and Ducklings arriving on
5/18/16 or 5/19/16
French Guineas - straight run - 100
Indian runner ducklings - straight run - 15
Rouen ducklings - straight run - 15
Chicks Arriving on 5/19/16 or 5/20/16 - Final Order of 2016
Golden Comet pullets - 25
Black Sex Link pullets - 25
Amberlink pullets - 25
New Hampshire pullets - 25
Columbian Rock pullets – 25
Black Giant pullets - 25
Bantams - straight run - 50