Monday, April 22, 2019

**360's LAST CHICK ORDER of 2019**

Welcome to 360 Farm & Pet's 2019 Chick season... 

 We are your complete Chick store!

We have everything that you will need to raise healthy and happy Chicks!  

Here are some of things that you will need before you purchase your chicks:

  • Brooder Tank or Enclosure to house your chicks
  • Heat lamp and heat bulb or Heat pads
  • Waters and feeders that will fit in you tank
  • Shavings to line the bottom
  • Starter feed: 20% protein to start
  • Chick grit to help with digestion
  • Electrolytes and probiotics (optional)
Salmon Faverolle hen

We carry Purina Start & Grow medicated& non-medicated chick feeds, Flock Raiser feed (non-medicated) and  New Country Organics Starter Feeds.
Our Chicks are shipped to us mid-week and arrive 1 to 2 days later, we will post as soon as they are ready for new homes.  Sometimes the chicks need a little extra time to warm up and rest from their cold journey.
We sell chicks in lots of 6.  Chicks are flock birds and are much happier and healthier when in a flock.  This also helps keep them warm.  Our Chicks are not returnable and not refundable.  

 Kritter Cash can not be "cashed in" on chick purchases 

We try to only sell healthy and happy chicks but, please inspect your chicks before they leave the store.  Make sure that your chicks are not Lethargic (sleepy), sitting all by them selves in the bin, but that they are energetic and have clear vents and eyes. 
Buff Orpington hen
 Our LAST batch of chicks will be shipped the week of April 22nd.  

Remember all orders are subject to change without notice, hopefully we will get what has been ordered!  The pricing will be posted as soon a the chicks arrive.  

Dark Brahma hen
LAST ORDER of CHICKS! April 26th:
(Please NOTE the orders are subject to change without notice);
Amerucana/Easter Eggers
Barred Rocks
Buff Orpingtons
Cuckoo Marans
Golden Comets
Black Jersey Giants
Prairie Bluebells
R. I. Reds
Salmon Faverolles
Sapphire Olive Eggers
Speckled Sussex
Naked Necks
Dark Brahmas
Blue Cochins(Full Size)

Barnevelder hen

Blue Cochin hen

Friday, April 12, 2019

About the Barnevelder...

About the Barnevelder Chicken:

The Barnevelder originates from the Barneveld region of Holland and is so well-known that, according to the Barnevelder Club of North America, the Barnevelder name is synonymous with the word chicken. It is sought after for its dark "chocolate" brown eggs. This beautiful bird is hardy and quiet and doesn't mind being confined.


Class: Continental (Northern European)
Type: Large Fowl & Bantam
Size: Medium (6-7 lbs)
Rarity: Common
Purpose: Dual
Recognized Varieties: Double Laced Partridge in the U.S.; other colors in Europe such as Black, Blue Laced, White/Silver etc.

Egg Facts:

Egg Laying: Good (3/wk)
Egg Color: Brown
Egg Size: Large

Fancy Features:

Comb Type: Single Comb
Crested: No
Feathered Legs: No
Number of Toes: 4

Suitability to Backyard Life:

Cold Hardiness: Hardy in winter
Heat Tolerance: Not especially heat hardy
Bears Confinement: Bears confinement well
Especially Docile: Yes
Setter/Broody: No
Personality: Lively, active and friendly