Friday, February 23, 2018

Chick List - UPDATED on 2/23



  1. Chicks DO NOT go up For Sale before 11 AM on delivery days
  2. All chicks are sold FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE
  3. NO HOLDS or Pre-purchases on Chicks! Please don't ask!
  4. ALL SALES ARE FINAL on Live Animals
  5. 6 Chick minimum order.
  6. On popular/high demand breeds, there will be maximum purchase quantity restrictions. This is to make it fair for all, but we will most likely be getting in more chicks of these breeds later in the season!
  7. We will start a Customer 'Sign-In' on delivery days and customers will be assigned numbers in the order in which they arrive. You will be allowed to purchase chicks when your number is called. *If maximum purchase quantities are put in place, you will be allowed to resign-up and get back in line to purchase more of the breed with max restrictions. 
360 also carries everything (& more) you will need to get started or to add new birds to your existing flock! We have first homes, feeds, lights, bedding, & MORE!  Our knowledgeable staff will make getting your chicks a wonderful experience for all! 

See you soon!

Please NOTE: 
Older chicks will be SOLD FIRST, before new(day old) chicks!!!

Blue Lace Red Wyandotte hen

Arriving on 2/28:$5.69/ea

Sexed Pullets
  • Naked Necks/Turkins

Arriving on 3/1:
R.I. Red hen
Sexed Pullets
  • ·         Assorted Polish - $5.69/ea
    ·         Ameraucana/Easter Egger - $3.49/ea
    ·         Black Maran - $5.69/ea
    ·         Barred Rock - $3.49/ea
    ·         GL Wyandotte - $3.49/ea
    ·         Black Jersey Giant - $3.49/ea
    ·         R. I. Red - $3.49/ea
    ·         SL Wyandotte - $3.49/ea
    ·         Sapphire Gem - $5.69/ea
    ·         Welsummer - $3.49/ea

Silver Laced Wyandotte hen

Golden Laced Wyandotte hen

Arriving on 3/8: 
Sapphire Gem hen
Sexed Pullets -
  • Salmon Faverolles - $5.69/ea
  • ISA Brown - TBA
  • Delaware - $3.49/ea
  • Dominique - $3.49/ea
  • Black Giant - $3.49/ea
  • Sapphire Gems - $5.69/ea
  • Speckled Sussex - $3.49/ea
  • White Rock - $3.49/ea
  • Crested White Polish - $5.69/ea
  • Silver Laced Polish - $5.69/ea
  • Easter Eggers(Ameraucana) - $3.49/ea
  • Sienna Star - $5.69/ea
  • Silver Laced Wyandottes - $3.49/ea
  • Buff Orpingtons - $3.49/ea

Buff Orpington hen

Arriving on 3/15: 
Sexed Pullets -
  • Assorted Polish - $5.69/ea
  • Ameruacanas - $3.49/ea
  • Black Australorps - $3.49/ea
  • Silver Laced Wyandottes - $3.49/ea
  • Barred Rocks - $3.49/ea
  • California Whites - $3.49/ea
  • Light brahmas - $3.49/ea
  • R.I. Reds - $3.49/ea
  • Speckled Sussex - $3.49/ea
Speckled Sussex hen

Light Brahma hen

Straight Run - Ultra Rare Breeds - $7.99/ea
  • Blue Laced Red Wyandottes
  • Black Copper Marans
  • Lavender Orpingtons

25% Off on Stainless Yeti Ramblers @ 360

  • Stainless only, not good on Dura-coated colored ramblers
  • Excludes the Half Gallon Jug
  • While supplies last!

Welsummer hen

Arriving 3/22:
Sexed Pullets - 
·         Ameraucana/Easter Egger - $3.49/ea
·         Black Maran - $5.69/ea
·         Buff Orpinton - $3.49/ea
·         Barred Rock - $3.49/ea
·         Brown Leghorn - $3.49/ea
·         Calico Princess - $5.69/ea
·         California White - $3.49/ea
·         GL Wyandotte - $3.49/ea
·         Buff Laced Polish - $5.69/ea
·         White Crested Polish - $5.69/ea
·         R. I. Reds - $3.49/ea
·         SL Wyandotte - $3.49/ea
·         Speckled Sussex - $3.49/ea

Arriving on 3/29:

Sexed Pullet - 

  •   Assorted Polish - $5.69
  •  Ameruacana/Easter Eggers - $3.49/ea
  •  Black Australorps - $3.49/ea
  •  Calico Princess - $5.69/ea
  •  Dominique - $5.69/ea
  •  GL Wyandotte - $3.49/ea
  •  SL Wyandotte - $3.49/ea
  •  R.I. Reds - $3.49/ea
Straight Run - $7.99/ea

  • Lavender Orpingtons

More Chick deliveries & dates to TBA very soon!
 Check back often as more chicks are added :)


  1. Hello,

    Will you be getting any bantam silky chicks?


  2. We got Silkies in last week, on 2/22. We still have 8 silkies currently in stock(white and buff). No future orders for silkies at this time.
